7 thoughts on “MOVIT 2 9505 MSX WIZARD REPAIR #6”

  1. Hello,
    I have also a Movit II 9505.

    Do you know where i can order new caterpillar tires ?

    Marcel Schipper
    The Netherlands

  2. Hello,

    Must i order 1 or 2 D&D PowerDrive 138XL050 Timing Belt, XL, 13.8″ Length, Rubber ?
    After i order how must i connect the rubber ?
    Marcel Schipper
    The Netherlands

    1. Hello,
      You need to order two 138XL050 belts.
      And you can see the 138XL050 belt in this post. (http://asteris.pe.kr/blog/3731)

      The belts are connected in a closed curve, so you just have to buy and put them in.
      I tested the belt, and it fits a bit tight. But it works well.

      And your pinion gears was replaced with this ( https://www.amazon.com/15453-000-tamiya/dp/B008I00EG4/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=8T+Pinion+Gear+Tamiya&qid=1597751932&sr=8-2 )
      8T PINION GEAR for TAMIYA mini 4WD.

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